Celebrating British Columbia
Posted by Kerrin Brookes on
My goodness, the summer is just flying by!
After a long wait, the sunshine is finally here on the west coast, and it’s been a blissful blur of long walks, patios, and picnics. I’ve been keeping myself busy building beautiful sun-dappled memories with my loved ones, and breathing in the fresh coastal air.
Happy Father's Day!
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Happy Mother's Day!
Posted by Kerrin Brookes on
As regular readers will already know, my grandmother played a very significant role in my life and the work that I do. But with Mother’s Day fast approaching, I would be remiss if I didn’t share stories of my mother, as well. With five daughters, she didn’t have a lot of time on her hands, so she’d stay up late at night sewing clothing for us girls, and, like my grandmother, she loved to embroider. She carried so much wisdom passed down to her from her mother. As children, we didn’t appreciate it, but in adulthood, it’s something my sisters...
My Grandmother Gave Me a Gift I'll Treasure Forever
Posted by Kerrin Brookes on
As Mother’s Day approaches, I can’t help but reflect on my grandmother. She was an immigrant to his country who built a life on the prairies. She’d often go for walks with her two daughters – one in the baby buggy, one walking beside. My grandmother would push the buggy with her belly so that her hands were free to stitch. I was lucky enough to share a very special bond with her, and it's her influence that started my enduring love of sewing, quilting, and embroidery. When I was a young girl I’d spend hours at her knee, learning...
Happy Easter!
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